Yossarian Smythe's Article in Finance

544 Home Insurance For Today’s Generation
We live in an unpredictable world, and what best can protect our home from hurricanes, earthquakes, human errors and other natural calamities but a home insurance coverage?
Posted on Dec-01-2009

531 Get Your Dream Car with Best Finance Deals
We now live in an age where cars are no longer luxury items, but a must have in this competitive world. Cars are very important as it does not only serve as a means of transportation, but it could also serve as collateral or an investment. It is very convenient for long trips with families and friends.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

565 Home Mortgage: An Important Financial Decision
Owning your own dream house is a feeling of freedom and pride. Rather than renting where your money is going nowhere but your landlord's pocket, owning your own house is definitely a good long term investment.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

520 Forensic Accounting as a Career
One of the sought after careers in finance is accounting. Crunching numbers, keeping financial records and calculating assets and liabilities are the usual responsibilities of an accountant. Because of this, an accountant's work is usually dubbed as monotonous, boring and dull. Of course, this impression lasted until forensic accounting came into the picture.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

665 Finance Related Careers-A Must in Today’s World
Finance offers a wide variety of career paths across the globe. Though educational attainment, training, age and other requirements differ from one country to the next, finance offers a lot of exciting and challenging careers.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

646 The Many Benefit of Mortgage Finance Loan
Many people dream of owning their own houses, cars and properties. At times, a good mortgage finance loan plan can help one in realizing this goal. Any home or car buyer will agree that mortgage finance have offered more choices.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

665 The Many Benefits of Mortgage Finance Loan
Many people dream of owning their own houses, cars and properties. At times, a good mortgage finance loan plan can help one in realizing this goal. Any home or car buyer will agree that mortgage finance have offered more choices.
Posted on Dec-01-2009

1277 U.S. and Recession: Will it ever go away?
Honeymoon phase is over for Barack Obama’s presidency as number of disgruntled and unhappy Americans continue to grow. Months after the historic election that catapulted him into power, a lot of Americans remain pessimistic about the financial setting of the United States.
Posted on Nov-30-2009

1280 Surviving Financial Crisis in the 21st Century
Surviving a financial dilemma is one thing a lot of people have been challenged with during the past few years, particularly in America where it was hardest hit by the recession.
Posted on Nov-30-2009

1251 Accounting Finance: The Heart of Any Successful Business
At the core of any successful business is a well organized management. Financial accounting is a very important tool for business. Aside from knowing strategies such as bookkeeping, marketing, advertising and production, a good and stable business must also have a competent system for accounting finance.
Posted on Nov-30-2009

512 Way Out of Debt, the American Way
AMERICAN people, who are drowning in the sea of debt, have found a potential road out of indebtedness. The road however does not come in as free. Every single dime of your debt would still be paid from your hard earned money.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

588 Banks versus Money Markets
PEOPLE would often consider the banks as a depository institution, limited to the function of being a place where we can keep our money safe. Seldom do we find people who’d consider investing their money in banks because of its small interest rates.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

860 Need cash? Try Game Shows
MOST of us must have already found ourselves in dire need of cash. The reasons could vary --- house nearing foreclosure, hospital emergency, tuition fees, food, among many other legitimate reasons to be in real need of cash.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

697 Calculators for Millionaires
CALCULATORS and ledgers, regardless of its brand, have become the most sought after things that most millionaires in the United States have been keeping wherever they go.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

520 Recession on its Way Out
IT seems financial meltdown in Washington (and other parts of the United States, at that) is slowly veering away as less and less Americans are getting fired by companies affected by the recession.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

550 Loans and Insurance Policies – Knowing Your Options
When it comes to savings, insurance policies and loans, determining the options available to you is quite necessary. There are different selections you can choose from which may or may not apply to a particular situation you are dealing with at present and in the future.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

1041 Choosing Your Fund Manager – The Right Way to Do It
The fund manager is really the soul of the fund. The manager’s expertise in markets or industries the fund is exposed to is critical. This is the reason why it is important to try to look for one with a consistently high performance among its peer group for this actually reflects the manager’s investment skills despite market fluctuations.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

518 Planning for the Future - How It's Best Done
Most people keep their hard-earned savings in bank accounts, but now more than ever, this practice is being questioned. The truth is that money sitting on deposit at the bank, according to experts, is a losing proposition.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

505 Saving for the Future – The Right Time is Always Now
When the market goes up, it might be too expensive. When the market goes down it might go lower. The harder you try to figure out market timing, the more confused you are likely to become.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

499 How to Invest Your Savings Wisely
You have worked hard and slowly acquired savings. Retirement is not too far away and you can see that your pension fund and savings will not keep you in the style to which you have become accustomed.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

544 The Deal about Bankers’ Bonuses
Many people believe that top bank executives today earn way too much. Nearly everyone is further enraged when these overpaid bankers appear to have made significant mistakes and have been blamed for their part in the collapse of the economy, and yet still get substantial bonuses.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

630 Warning Signs of a Recession
Recession is the economic term used to describe a certain period of general slowdown in the economy. The last recession that happened in the US was back in 2001, although the extent of that recession is not comparable to the global recession happening today.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

517 Ways to Save Money during the Recession
One good thing that has come out of the economic recession is that more people are seeing the need to become savers instead of borrowers. It’s because the recession has shaken our faith on the economy.
Posted on Oct-05-2009

525 Tactics Involved in Mis-Selling to the Elderly
Seniors are often a target of mis-selling and other types of investment scams. Elderly people are a favorite among scam artists because they aren’t well informed about the intricacies of such financial products.
Posted on Aug-10-2009

572 Smart Banking: Avoiding Hidden Bank Charges & Other Fees
All the information regarding the underhanded tactics that banks employ may have turned you off. You’re probably thinking you should do away with banks altogether but before you make that decision, know that all you need is to get smart about your banking behavior, and you won’t have to deal with hidden fees or any other sneaky tricks.
Posted on Aug-10-2009